Choosing The Right Door For Your Home

The Right Door
Buyer's guide to the right doors

Whether outdoors or in, to create a good first impression with a catch declaration door ...
Opening of a new opportunity to express their individual style, we found the doors to suit every household. Choose the striking modern designs for easy upgrades.

exterior doors
Lots of variety, wood and metal in a sexy glorious painted door in a warm tone.


"A front door should give your home a surprise while providing security and privacy," said Elizabeth Assaf, co-founder of Urban Front, specializing in, entrance doors in modern style. ? "Think outside of the home - is borrowed or brick, traditional or modern, there a wood or tile in the hallway 'Although never forgotten door panels style, you do not have to . comply strictly with the age of your home Do not be afraid to create a contrast between the old architecture and contemporary door recent trends include.:

Wide doors Regular doors are 830mm wide but if your current door has enough room on either side to accommodate a wider frame, 950mm door can make a real impact. Full-height glass side-lights can also help to flood a gloomy hallway with natural light.

Glass A hot trend is for sliding and panel doors in glass with barely there fixtures and fittings. Good suppliers include The Disappearing Door Company, Inner door and Dora.

Solid woods Oak used to be a hot favorite, but the rich and gaudy gold American black walnut Iroko are becoming increasingly popular. Jed-Wen wood used Designed for strength and safety, solid wood doors facing the town has a reinforced steel core to prevent warping.

Simplicity "Modern door can create a cool contrast even in a Victorian or Edwardian house, said Nabil Assaf, also urban front. "Concealed hinges and stainless steel inlays help maintain subtle modern look, but minimal."

Pivot doors "as pivot doors are popular because they can be made wider than high," says Mark Dyson Architects of the enclosure. "There is no" bending moment "when the door that takes the stress wide open hinges, doors swivel can be made up to 4 meters wide. "

Painted doors
For red brick Georgian houses, Farrows and Ball director Sarah Cole suggests using Blue Black (£ 44.99 for 2.5l) - it is neither true nor blue black and gives a chic look. Midnight Blue is stylish in a white-fronted period house.

For something classic, green or gray works well; go for bright or dull a house in the country (currently Farrows & Ball tone green Popular Green Transport Study and Off-Black). "For more complex colors, deeper tones work best on the front doors," suggests Louise Smith color and design director at Deluxe. "My favorites are maraschino Mocha Cocoa Blush 1-1 for a decadent and Tarragon Glory 4 5 Red Stallion (2.5l £ 16.99) for a more intense look of look."

nternal doors
"These days, a door not only allow you to enter a room can be made of steel or glass, or act as a wall or window Press a button and bingo -.! Is not there already Some even you can wipe the floor, "James Wells Wells Mackereth Architects enthusiasm. Increasingly, interior doors in your home no longer block a room from another, but allow the flow of light and movement along a space.

Sliding Gone are the days of wobbly sliding doors - the new pocket doors literally disappear into the wall. "They are a complete system so you can add your own door, leaving without compromising style of the door," said David Healey Padraic barley Company Distributors stylish range Eclisse doors in the UK. "They are also perfect as walls between living and sleeping, "said James Fletcher, MD Draks.

Invisible Curved or flat seamless doors lend continuity to a space. Try Dooria and Dolorous.

Textured wood Try doors in dark grainy woods. Barausse's Panama range uses coconut shell tiles and the Tetrix range boasts teak, stainless steel and leather.


Fire Prevention
When replacing a door, inside or outside, be aware of fire regulations (see the section on professional rules of Part B in This generally applies to any door leading to what is considered as an emergency exit. Royde and Tucker has created a system called discrete fire doors SmoClo as an alternative to automatic closing fire doors. It can be easily installed on existing doors, provided that this is part of a smoke detection system provided by the existing network. Visit for more information.

Home security
Make sure that any lock fitted together five lever notice lock system British Standard - a type of tire Yale lock only lock cylinder is not sufficient protection, "says Kerry Walters London Corporation door specialists. Branham Security recommends a combination of a latch and lock (Branham M2002 try a lock cylinder mortise stagnation of the rim and L2000, which are both safe and approved by the British Standard 3621). If you live in a high crime area, investigate the benefits of a reinforced steel door. for more security, opt for laminated safety glass. for more tips, visit

The Right Door Accessories

Handles and hinges
Front door detail The current trend is for plain, brushed stainless steel, letter plates knockers and numbers. Try SDS London or architectural components. For an alternative to metal house numbers, try a contemporary or Plexiglas plate Abode stainless steel plates.
Multi-textured handles For internal doors, HALF and Designs Designs Turn style have unusual handles that combine refined metals, such as steel and bronze with wood and stitched leather details. Holloway of Ludlow is a good source for traditional buttons and locks. B & Q offers a collection of great value, contemporary and traditional door handles

Use decorative film panels for quick update, modern glass. It can be cut to provide interesting models, words or numbers. "The dull matte film provides privacy while allowing light through, and really makes your door stand out," says Karen Lansdown, co-founder of Fog decorative film.

"The right doors are essential for energy conservation, safety and anesthetics of your home," said Mark Roberts, product manager for Jeld-Wen consider your status -. If moisture gets into the door, he could not have caused to expand, discolored and crack. A carpenter can determine if it has weakened the door beyond repair, or if the sand, varnish (or paint) and re-alignment can order it. A good door allows energy efficiency. if a project, you may need to re-aligned or improved framework or ball up or down could help ensure glass is double glazed and well equipped.

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